1.2 History of the Web

posted June 18, 2015

What is a code editor?

A code editor is a text editor app used to develop and edit source code of computer programs. You can use code editors to create web sites, mobile apps, video games and much more.

Your code editor may be a native application or it might be built into an integrated development environment (IDE).

It might be called a source code editor, a text editor, HTML editor or code editor - they all do the same thing in different ways. And as you can imagine, different developers prefer different editors.

For this class, we are going to use the code editor Brackets which should be on your computer already.

We will also be doing a fair amount of exercises on Codecademy (use your Google account to sign in).

Default Code Editors

If you don't have access to Brackets or a good code editor, you can always go with the default text editor apps. The process of using a default text editor, however, can become tedious and inefficient compared to other editors and IDEs. That said, sometimes you have no other option.

  • Notepad (PC)
  • TextEdit (Mac)